
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department

What is oncological rehabilitation?

A person is not only a collection of arms, feet, tissues, bones or organs; he is more than entirety of organs. The human has emotions, social and family life. It does not matter what disease a person is suffering from, it is possible to improve the quality of his life using help of various rehabilitation specialists. Rehabilitation will be effective and meaningful when it helps to solve not only physical problems of a patient, but also those that are not physically defined.


  • Doctors: 3
  • Nurses: 2
  • Physiotherapists: 5
  • Psychologists: 3
  • Psychotherapists: 1

Total: 23

Rehabilitation procedures were performed

8293 physiotherapy
7821 kinesitherapy 

Consultation according to the specialist

Consultation  2019 2020
rehabilitologist 4260 2513
psychiatrist 901 450
psychologist 871 790
logotherapist 135 106
social worker 1104 943


Updated 2024-12-12 13:07