Clinical departments of the accredited multi-profile Clinical Cancer Centre implement politics of reducing of morbidity and mortality from oncological diseases, perform scientific researches, develop cancer prevention and control activities, provide health care services in oncology and prepare high-level specialists in cooperation with national and international institutions.
Clinical activity involves multidisciplinary teams, which is particularly important for the success of cancer treatment. All activities focus on individualized patient treatment - the best treatment option is chosen for the patient. Modern and innovative methods of treatment are constantly implemented while improving the quality of provided treatment.
131421 - consultations provided
13750 - patients treated
Emergency Department
Consultative Polyclinic Department
- Laboratory Research Department
- Blood Bank
- Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Department
- Endoscopic Intervention Group
- Genetic Diagnostic Laboratory
- Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Operating-Room Department
- General and Abdominal Surgery and Oncology Department
- Thoracic Surgery and Oncology Department
- Head and Neck and Skin Cancer Surgery and Oncology Department
- Oncourology Department
- Oncogynecology Department
- Breast Surgery and Oncology Department
- Medical Oncology Department
- Radiation Oncology Department
- External Beam Radiotherapy Department
- Medical Physics Department
Nursing Department
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department
Updated 2023-01-18 14:17